Friday 9 March 2012

“Journalism is the first rough draft of history.”

Well that was a long week!

I'm starting to forget what day light looks like.

Monday 9.30 to 7.

Long day! did a reporting mock, did OK apart from a few misplaced apostrophes.

Tuesday 9.30 to 6.

Sports Journalism with Mr Rick Broadbent. when you have two hours a week with someone who is as successful as Rick, for those two hours you work your hardest. Rick is the athletics correspondent for the Times so is working at the very top.

In the afternoon we had court reporting...for four hours straight. it started brightly and ended with us slumped at the table not because it was boring but because 4 hours straight of anything slowly melts your brain.

Wednesday 10 to 7.

Another long day (can you see the trend here).
Usual shenanigans, Reporting, Media Law, Shorthand, Public Affairs.

Thursday 10 to 5.
same routine as above!

So that was my week.

Shorthand i have good days and bad days. sometimes i can nail 80 wpm and flirt with 100wpm and others i can barely do 60wpm.

i just need more practise. get consistent.

Onto some sad news This is my last blog....... as an 18-year-old!

Yes the next time i write on this blog i shall be 19.

I'm quite excited but at the same time all my exams are happening around my birthday so in some ways i don't want my birthday at all!

AAAAnd on my birthday i have to be in work from 10 till 8! 10 hours! however the promise of alcohol and a meal afterwards with some friends sounds rather enticing!

By the way if anyone is not sure what they want to do and want to find out more about NCTJ and journalism they can by all means direct message me to find out more info.


Uni can be good in specialised subject but don't go to uni for the sake of going to uni. Do something that is going to help you get a job afterwards and thanks to the Leveson Inquiry there will be lots of jobs in Journalism!!

So i shall leave you with this question of the week!

What are you looking forward to most

The London Olympics or Euro 2012?

Let me know via Facebook or Twitter

See you soon!


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