Thursday 1 March 2012

Is the catch ever as good as the chase?


Firstly I'm very sorry about the lack of blog last week. I finished work last week and was travelling home almost immediately so I had no chance to write it. I though that I would write it on Sunday by a misguided decision to go to the grove put paid to that idea.

So what happened last week?

Not much to be honest it wasn't as exciting as this week.

So what happened this week then?

Well after £4000 and 7 weeks of learning I finally started my first Sports Journalism lecture! and it was worth it!

Out tutor is a guy called Rick Broadbent, He is the the Athletics correspondent at the Times and promised to get us on the Work Experience list for The Times, so hopefully some work experience could be happening soon.

It was so nice to finally write about sport, rather than news, it gave me fresh imputes just as my faith was dwindling!

We also started Court Reporting (pointless for a SJ I like to argue) but again it was nice to meet a new face in Alison who is a Barrister and teaches us how we can avoid trouble when writing from court.

Everything is slowly coming together though and I'm pretty sure in 2-3 weeks when i sit my exam i should be prepared.

Long week though! I'm shattered, so far this week I've done 10-7, 9.30-6, 10-7 and 10-5ish. so I'm rather tired but looking forward to a weekend of revision practise and going for lunch with my sister who is going to be extremely old on Monday!

So as i mentioned i went home last weekend. It was great to see everyone again.

I didn't see everyone I wanted to but Hey, beggars cant be choosers!

On Friday evening i went to see a play at the marine theatre starring our very own Joseph Youens doing a very good Australian accident. then to the pub afterwards, which of course was very nice!

Then Saturday after doing  a few hours of speed building, went out once again and had a rather good night which included a kid getting a puncture and my new chat up line "Hi I'm Pete, I'm a Journalist"!

Whenever i had the opportunity to go out with mates i always turned it down, i never really liked those sort of situations. however now that i don't have that opportunity i really miss it. and cant wait until April when i come home and have a really good time!!!

I felt bad on Sunday not just because of the night before but because i felt like i could have spent my weekend in a more productive way and i had spent a lot of money as well.

However my Mum reminded me that I work really hard as part of this course and i do deserve to be able to let off a little steam every now and then.

A lot of people have stopped reading this blog as it wasn't what they were expecting, so for my "Question of the week" I want to know what you would like me to talk about more? Funny anecdotes? music and films to watch/listen to? or carry on with the journalism shindig?

Let me know

See you in April!


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