Thursday 16 February 2012

You're like a turkey voting for christmas.

Week 6 I think!

Over half way now! 4 weeks until exams! Joy (!)

To get me through this stressful time i have started with an insane combination of Redbull/Mountain dew, Dance Music and Cocaine!

Monday was once again news day and Here is the link to my article. 

In Public Affairs we have started looking at Local Government and discussing whether or not it should be political. I personally think it's difficult to run it without it being politically bias but that doesn't mean I'm right.

Tuesday we went out and about doing Vox Pop's about Valentines day, Asking people one question... "Do opposites attract?" and most people said yes they did, some people even said "Well if magnets do, then so do people!" WHAT! that makes no sense! you cretin! I really don't believe opposites attract for example what happens if I was part of the KKK? i imagine that my girlfriend would also be a white supremacist and not an extremist Muslim. yes this is a rather extreme generalisation but again how often do you see Vegetarians married to people who eat meat? or someone that enjoys sadomasochism married to a Quaker! Wouldn't Happen!

Wednesday and Thursday passed without a hitch! and for those that read last weeks blog (which was about 8 by the way) may be wondering how doing 100 wpm went in shorthand..... well it nearly gave me a panic attack but overall went alright! Still far too quick for me, but this is an intensive course so we need to push ourselves.

It has been bought to my attention this week that I'm a Hipster. For those who don't know what a hipster is, to put it simply it is some one that is a sucker for trends and revels in the fact that they know about certain films and music that others don't. and they hate the Mainstream!

I have now decided to embrace my Hipster style! Is there anything wrong with seeking out new films that others haven't heard of? Just cause people haven't heard of it doesn't mean it isn't good.

Give me Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind than that god awful Pocahontas remake Avatar any day of the week!

So question of the week is simply this

What is your favourite film? see i think there is a difference between the best film i have seen and my favourite film. The Best Film i have ever seen is Shawshank Redemption. but it isn't my favourite film. Ive watched it once and that will do for me. My favourite film is Fight Club simply because i can watch it over and over again and every time i notice something that i didn't the last time i saw it!

So what is your favourite film?

See you soon!


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