Thursday 9 February 2012

Can I Get An Upgrade Please!

I think this is week 5, but don't quote me on that!

A strange week this one simply because of the first two days.

I felt I hadn't progressed at all in class. Journalism practise and our news days were disastrous, I couldn't find a story at all! Shorthand didn't go very well, law wouldn't sink in and Public Affairs felt way over my head.


Wednesday and Thursday came and the progress I had been searching for came in abundance! well maybe not an abundance but I felt I moved forward. Reporting felt like common sense, Public Affairs MADE sense, Media law sank in and I was even able to challenge our tutor on a few things about defamation. 

Our shorthand tutor Karen just decided that Wednesday would be the day we moved from 50wpm in shorthand to 80wpm. Cheers then! However by Thursday I felt I was getting the hang of it and the daunting news that next week we would be moving on to 100wpm makes me very excited! so excited in fact I think I have D&V over the matter. 

A nice enjoyable week, which was capped off on Thursday by going for lunch at a Chinese restaurant with the guys from the class (minus 2, who weren't there and were of course missed) which was described as a business lunch (in the menu) and therefore we were business people for a few hours. 

The idea of the lunch was to talk about stories we will research over the weekend and write about on Monday, however we winded up talking about our Media Law tutor and all his anecdotes and who will replace Capello as England Manager!

(By the way if you cared about the opinnion of an aspiring Sports Journalist, I think it should be Trevor Brooking with Stewie Pearce as assistant, simply for the world cup, a bit of passion is what we need!)

Now for something completely different.

I'm not a Tory, I'm not a Lib Dem and I'm not labour. To be honest I'm not sure who I support! I feel as though we should support the government simply because we voted them in, and partly because of Ed Miliband.

I cannot describe my hatred for Mr Miliband, to all intents and purposes I think he is a twat......foolish man.

Every thing about him annoys me, his voice, his arrogance, his repeated chopping hand movement and the fact that he look like Beaker from The Muppet's!

He isn't going to be Prime Minister any time soon simply for the fact that a) Nobody can see him as Prime Minister, b) Nobody has forgotten the shit storm that Labour got us into and c) he is a twat...foolish man!

OK so rant over, onto some nice thoughts.

"I Simply, Lucifer, refuse to wind up on fire with low-life liars"

"Then you destined for the the world, without chores and sweating-
The eternal hell of boredom in heaven."
The Streets, "Heaven For The Weather." 
Question of the Week! 

Capello is too obvious so I shall say.....

Are you excited about the Olympics? Some see it as a time where we can be proud of our country, we can show off everything that makes our country great. Or are you bored of the hype? Couldn't give a toss. More worried about the chance of a failed legacy after the pomp,ceremony and the competition has all finished. Let me know!

Probably send another blog out on Sunday evening about my adventures of the weekend but we shall see!

See you soon!


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