Thursday 2 February 2012

Part 2

So week 4 is over and once again, what a week!

Monday started with us having to find a story, write it and then have it published on the Up To Speed Website for all the world to see. I found my story from just looking through the Bournemouth Borough Council website. Some might say it was lazy however I thought I was able to find quite an interesting story (!)
If you missed that because like most normal human beings you weren't on Facebook on a Monday lunchtime when I posted it to the news feed, here it is again!

Tuesday was another bog standard day, reporting in the morning, law in the early afternoon and then finished it off with shorthand. nice day, home by 5.30! 

Wednesday was probably the scariest but most enjoyable day we've had so far.....Well the morning was. We were given our first interviewing task. Now I know you might think "Interviewing that's not that difficult" and to be honest it isn't when you know what information you want to get for the story you are about to write. Which we weren't. We were taken into a little room, given a name, number and one word "Wedding". Tom, the course director told us "This person phoned the news room, while you were out and has a story for you.... find out what it was, you have 5 minutes.... Go!"

My First thought was simply...Panic!!! before I phoned I made notes on what I needed to ask him, name, surname, address, correct spelling. I dialled the number in front of me. 

Now I'm not gonna take you through the whole interview, firstly because of the adrenalin that was pumping around my body, with the mix of nerves, for the life of me I can't remember what I said! I got the story, made my notes, was very polite and wrote the story.

I think the rest of the class had the same feelings...That was horrible, but sometimes that's all you get for a story, a name and a number. Not even a keyword like we did.


Thursday, our shorthand teacher (who is lovely by the way, I know I complain about shorthand all the time, but Karen makes it enjoyable) was away at a conference so we only had reporting from 10-12 and I was home by half past. Just like being back in sixth form, but with more adults and I'm actually enjoying myself.

So plan for the weekend is simple... Work. Also I need to look for a story for Monday as its our news day where we find stories and then write them for the website.

I went home last weekend, yes that's right I still call it home. It is still home, and will be until I completely move out. It was nice to see people in Lyme and all of them seemed interested in my course and what I'm up to and of course we drank way too much, was promised nights out in Bournemouth (I shall take you up that offer Cara!), quoted "Friends" and lay on the beach to look at the stars (I wish for my sanity that I was making this bit up but unfortunately I'm not)!

But more stories on drunken escapades whenever I feel like writing them! after the weekend probably.

For those of you that are interested, and wondered why I turned my back on film, (I didn't by the way, it turned its back on me) I'm letting you know I haven't completely. With my free time over the weekends I shall be doing work, but i have also began writing scenes for a films again, just to get the creative juices flowing (!) ha

Well, is that you in front of me?
Coming back for even more of exactly the same
You must be a masochist to love a modern leper
On his last leg

Frightened Rabbit "Modern Leper"

So question of the week. 

Who's gonna win the Six nations? Will Wales carry on their World Cup form? Will Stuart Lancaster revitalise England? Will Italy surprise some teams? Will France go one better than the World Cup? How will Ireland cope without O'Driscoll? and I think Scotland are playing as well.

Talk Later

P.s You Fell Asleeeeep


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