Tuesday 31 January 2012

Part 1

So after some strong words of criticism from "Friends" on the blog front I have decided to split my blog up into two parts the first part will be published during the week Monday to Thursday morning, and the 2nd part will be published Thursday evening to Friday evening as usual.

So what is this exciting part one going to be about I hear you shout?

Well after taking a straw poll after having too much to drink on Saturday night it seems that most people want to hear whats going on in my mind rather than my life. They want to re-live old stories and for me to be less pretentious and more funny.

So I would suggest to those family members that read my blog that maybe you should wait until Friday evenings to read Part Two of the blog about how I'm getting on in the world of Journalism as this "Part 1" shall be full of expletives and stories of our mishaps and no "gooding" like something from The Lost Boys.

(By the way I say straw poll it was actually Joe telling me how shit I was and like a true gimp I've decided to zip up, listen to what someone shouts at me and take what ever abuse is thrown my way.......that's quite a good analogy actually!) 

This is only a taster for next weeks one simply because it's late and I can't really be bothered to try and be funny and I have a shorthand book whose arse I need to kick!

So if you like me being pretentious tune in on Friday's, If you like expletive fuelled nonsense tune in on Tuesday's and Wednesday. If you like both tune in on Thursday's. If you like none of them well you should wear a condom on your head because if you're gonna act like a dick you might as well dress like one! 


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