Friday 27 January 2012

Don't Believe the Hype Machine, Death of the Journalist

Another week, another look into the world of journalism and I'm really starting to like what I see. The week started bright and early on Monday (as usual) with a trip to crown court (not very usual) to understand how the court works (for our media law lectures) and how the cases can be reported (for our Reporting lectures) so far so simple. We heard a disturbing case which I shan't go into detail over because the case has an underage aspect and may contain legal ramifications if I was to talk about it on this. 

On Tuesday we sat through a Licensing Board Committee thingy at Bournemouth Borough council which was rather interesting (if you live in Bournemouth). We then headed in to work an had our first media law lecture of the week zzzzzz. Its not so much that our lecturer is boring (which he isn't) or that we don't understand the concept (which we do), its just..... Law is Complex! Our hours of shorthand have been cut down to only one hour a day in class. I'm trying to average between 24 and 26 hours a week. Just to make sure that I am pushing on and keeping up. This week, though, I've averaged around 19 hours, due to lessons being cut down, no lesson on Thursday and of course me travelling home to Slyme Vegas yesterday (Thursday) evening!

Wednesday started at 10 and finished at 7. An average day once again we had a Reporting lecture. At the moment we are working on intros to articles
and trying to find the most effective 20 words to start our story. It requires a bit of patience. Media Law was the best it has been so far. Everything finally started to fall into place as we are able to fit the law around the surroundings they are practised in. 

Thursday was a short day 10-12 (that's more like it)! I spent the rest of the day shopping and travelling back to Lyme. So all in all a very good week.

I'm starting to feel more like a grown up than ever before. I don't, however, feel like a student, which I am. Everything I'm doing makes me a student, I'm still in education, I live on ready meals etc. However I think because I turn up for work every day in a suit, flash a laminated card with my face on at reception and then saunter into a news room I feel like I'm an actual journalist, rather than a student. Maybe that's a good thing? Maybe this course has forced me to grow up in the short 3 weeks I've been doing it? 

Or maybe the fact that I saunter in to work, means that I'm comfortable in these surroundings, and when that thought hit me while I was lying in bed the other night, I couldn't stop smiling. It finally dawned on me that I have definitely made the correct decision! That in the next 10 weeks I'm not going to think of the fact that I have so much work to do and so many facts and rules and regulation to learn. I'm going to enjoy myself and the surroundings I'm in and the people I work with. I think that is important.

"Good Friday, April 18th, 1930
BBC radio news showed rare maturity
The news reporter said something that these days they wouldn't say
'Good evening, There is no news today' " Scroobius Pip, Death of a Journalist.

So to finish this weeks blog, something different I want to know your most iconic moment in sport that you remember. Something that watching it now would still give you chills.

Answers on a postcard (facebook and twitter)



A few intresting blogs to read.

Ones about the Olympics
The other is about some shite team in the south apparently (!)


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