Friday 13 January 2012


Before I tell you about my week and some of my thoughts first I'm going to explain why I have set this up in the first place. It is mainly for the purpose of my friends and family that can read it rather than me having to explain my days and weeks to them individually, (yeah that's right I'm using new media to cover my laziness). Now while i sit here writing this, I'm surrounded by drill sheets covered in shorthand squiggles, books about media law and politics and so many pens and pencils it would take years to count them all and that is what these blogs shall be about. The life of a trainee journalist. I shall try to write one every week usually posting them on a Friday evening for you to read. It shall involve updates, stories and my ideas on journalism, media, sport, politics and other current things that a young journalist should be able to discuss. I shall Ask a question at the end to provoke discussion as well.

So as this is my first one I shall give you some background information and reasons for doing this course and blog.

The course that I have started is demanding. Whether or not I find it fun, in my opinion, is irrelevant. Its something I want to do. There is a difference between fun and enjoyment. I enjoy my course, for sure. I enjoy testing my abilities and I enjoy discussing politics and how to report the news. I enjoy learning and building my knowledge, which is something you never stop doing, so if you don't enjoy it, you don't push yourself, and I'm excited and apprehensive about the next 6 months. 

However the way that I have begun to think of this course is like this. I want to be a Journalist, to be a Journalists I need to work hard, be proactive and dedicated. There isn't any ifs or buts! For the next 6 months I need to work harder than I ever have done before, (which wont be difficult). 

Now you may be asking yourselves, well why Pete if you've just made a wonder speech about working hard, have you set up a twitter site and a blog? The simple answer is that these things will help me in the long run. You can only use 140 characters on twitter therefore you need to make every word count! A useful tool for a Journalist I'd say! The same principal applies to the blog, I need to be able to eloquently put all the shit ideas that are in my head on to paper/screen and hope people want to read them, which is why I have started this blog. 

As I have already stated I shall also be using this blog to put forward my views about the world and i suppose mostly sport however if something is troubling me I shall post it on here. If you have any thoughts on my questions and queries please let me know your thoughts on my twitter or facebook page.

So that's the end of the first blog, believe me they shall become more interesting and will vary in length.

Finally the topic of discussion this week will be Sports Papers! Why do you think the UK doesn't have a sports paper like L'Equipes in France or Marca in Spain? I mean we have the racing post but nothing about football. Is there a market for it? Would you buy one? Is it because certain papers have pullout sport sections? Answers on a postcard.

Speak soon


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