Friday 20 January 2012

So week 2 is over....

So week 2 is over, and once again my brain is knackered and I'm surrounded by pieces of paper covered in squiggles!

On Monday I was in work at 9 am. I know Shocking (!) where a local Journalist called Stephen Bailey told us about a thing called the FOI, which stands for Freedom of Information act. To put it in Layman's terms it means that under this act you can ask for information without censorship. After that we had 4 hours of Journalism Practice which isn't as bad as it sounds. We went walking around Bournenmouth looking for stories, such as the christmas lights are still up over most parts of the town. Then two hours of shorthand and then two hours of public affairs, this is where we learn about the government, it might as well be called politics. I finally left the Echo at 7 pm. Knackered. 

Tuesday started in a similar vein in at 10 left at 5. This 9 to 5 lark starts to grind (!) Wednesday was similar to Monday except we were in at 10 left at 7 and spent a long time that day on Media Law, which in it’s self can be very complicated. Shorthand and public affairs rounded the day off Today (Thursday as I'm writing this) was a shorter day I finished at 4 but once again 2 hours of shorthand and 2 hours of reporting. 

This is beginning to look like the general pattern of my life now, however with every day I find myself become even more aware of the world around me; simple things, such as the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is check all the news websites I can, Guardian, Telegraph, The Daily Mail, Sky News, Sky Sports News, BBC News even Twitter just to make sure that when i go in I have some knowledge what's been happening in the world overnight. It's almost like a thirst for information and I need to drink it in from all the  sides!

So, my plans for the weekend? One word, repeated a lot! Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand (I think you get the joke!) Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand!

I may squeeze in a bit of play time! But I'm sure it will come full circleback to shorthand, but hey ho! 

So just before I ask my question of the week, which I would like feedback on - not just from my family! (thanks Mum and Dad!) But I'm gonna name drop a couple of my course colleagues (friends too strong a word!) with their blogs as they are really interesting.

Right, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, my “Question of the week”?

Should all sports men and women be licensed like Boxers? If they step outside of the law, whether it be drink driving or punching a DJ in the face at a night club, serious foul play or misconduct on their field of play. Should they have their licences suspended or revoked for a period of time depending on the seriousness of the crime! Even more extreme should their clubs have points deducted? Let me know what you think on twitter or facebook!!/PeteHodges14

Until next week


P.s I shall now be Publishing these these blogs on Thursday evening or Friday mornings, and re-posting them throughout the week!


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