Monday 26 March 2012

I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

Now i haven't done a blog since the 9th of march. 

Over two weeks ago and i felt i should just do one just so people know I'm still alive.

So since my last blog a few things have happened.

Ive sat 4 exams, turned 19 and grown a massive beard.

Exams went OK.

I feel confident about court reporting and reporting, i reckon a borderline pass for media law but unfortunately i think i may have to re-take Public Affairs. if i have passed it it will be a very borderline indeed.

The second part of my course is to put together a portfolio of articles i have written. One piece i am looking at putting together is a piece about University, I know how cliche! 

i will be looking at job possibilities afterwards and so will want some peoples views on whether their degree has helped them get a job or if they have taken a different career path or if they are worried about their chances of getting a job after they finish their courses.

If anyone is interested in doing a quick interview let me know and i will sort something out.

What else has happened in the two weeks that we haven't conversed?

Ive been in Southampton twice visiting Dickie and his flat mates.
the most recent time in Southampton was for Dickie's housemates 21st birthday which was a lovely excuse to get thoroughly pissed.

The time before that i was summoned to Southampton to take Jenny on a date. Well i say a date it was lunch until the waiter insinuated it was a date. i gave a little fist pump, punching well above my weight! ;)

Joe came and visited me in Bournemouth for his interview at the uni. The plan was for Joe to come and visit we would have some dinner and a few drinks, then back to mine early to bed early to rise and then off to work and interview respectively.

But these things never quite workout like that.

Joe sprung a lovely surprise on me and told me that Julia was meeting us for dinner because he couldn't stand a whole evening on me on his own.

I had just finished my exams so was meeting my friends from the course for a drink. me and Joe met up with the guys and had a few drinks there. My course mates were asking for embarrassing stories about me but as those who know me all know that i am incredibly boring and on this occasion my blushes were spared.

The three of us (Joe, Julia and i) went for dinner at Pizza Express and then Joe was whisked away from Bournemouth to go partying in Southampton like a character from skins.

A drunk Peter had a bed all to himself....Result!

So what the plan for the next few weeks i hear you ask?

Well I have an entire week of Shorthand! 

Then i go home for one and a bit weeks then back to Bournemouth, sit a shorthand exam and then go off to London to do 2 weeks work experience at 442 Magazine.

Very excited.

So that was just a quick update of how i am doing, there will probably be more to follow later in the week.

See you all soon hopefully.


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